Soilwater Group |

The Soilwater Group is a Perth-based soil and water resource consultancy, laboratory service and research organisation specialising in soil characterisation, mine site rehabilitation and monitoring, mine closure planning, post-mine landform design and construction, geochemical characterisation and transport modelling, environmental impact assessment, and unsaturated zone hydrology
We have over 10 years national and international experience in the mining, infrastructure, government, and agricultural sectors. The Soilwater Group consists of Soilwater Consultants (SWC), Soilwater Analysis (SWA) and Soilwater Technologies (SWT). The integration of these businesses enables the Soilwater Group to provide cost-effective total package solutions to clients needs and challenges.
Our goal is to provide technical, science-based, yet practical solutions to clients projects to minimise and understand potential environmental impacts that may arise as a result of their operations. We have a team of experienced soil scientists, geologists, geochemists, plant physiologists and hydrologists to cover all aspects of pre- and post- disturbance environmental functioning and performance, thus enabling accurate and quantifiable impacts to be determined.
The Soilwater Group consists of Soilwater Consultants (SWC), Soilwater Analysis (SWA) and Soilwater Technologies (SWT).
Soilwater Consultants (SWC) is the consulting arm of the Soilwater Group, providing specialist consulting services to industry and government departments.
Soilwater Analysis (SWA) is the laboratory arm of the Soilwater Group, providing a fully equipped commercial laboratory servicing both the Soilwater Group and external clients in the analysis of soils physical, chemical and hydraulic properties.
Soilwater Technologies (SWT) is the research and development (R & D) arm of the Soilwater Group, investigating and developing pedotransfer functions (PTF) to establish relationships between easily measureable soil parameters and those that are more difficult and expensive to measure.
The integration of these businesses enables Soilwater to provide cost-effective total package solutions to clients needs and challenges.
Key Personnel
Adam Pratt is The Soilwater Groups director and principal soil scientist, and a member of the Australian Soil Science Society.
Adam has many years experience as a soil water analyst and consultant to the mining and agricultural industries, government departments and other environmental agencies.
At Soilwater, we recognise that our success and reputation is built upon the skill, dedication and professionalism of our employees.
Whilst we primarily focus on attracting and retaining the most experienced and professional industry personnel, we are also committed to the training, education and up-skilling of our employees.
We are always looking for experienced personnel with high work ethics and a professional approach to their work.
❊ Address ❊
⊜ 45 Gladstone St, East Perth 6004 View Map
✆ Telephone: (08) 9228 3060
❊ Web Links ❊
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